Getting Started with Pilates
If you are new to Pike & Plank, getting started is as simple as a phone call. In our initial chat, we’ll ask you a few questions to help determine your best next steps, such as:
What are your personal goals?
Do you have any previous Pilates experience?
What other physical activities do you currently participate in?
What injuries (past or present) do you have?
What medical conditions (past or present) do you have?
What’s your schedule like?
You’ll have an opportunity to learn all about us, our instructors, and the many options we have available. Together, we’ll come up with a plan for you to get moving! It might include private sessions, intro group classes, or both. We’ll match you to the instructors and class options that best suit your needs and experience. Then you’ll be on your way to enjoying the incredible benefits of Pilates and our awesome Pike & Plank community.
What is Pilates?
Though Pilates has become a household word in the last two decades, it’s been around much longer! Joseph Pilates, born in 1880, was a genius inventor and pioneer of integrated mind-body movement. He founded this unique form of exercise on 9 key principles that remain the cornerstone of all Pilates styles today. They are breathing, concentration, control, centering, precision, balanced muscle development, rhythm and flow, whole-body movement, and relaxation.
As you practice, your body will become stronger and more supple, concentration and breathing will deepen. Total body coordination becomes precise and powerful. Best of all, the skills you'll pick up in Pilates are directly applicable to everyday life as well as athletics and physical arts such as dance and yoga. We like to say, Pilates is what you do so that you can continue to do whatever else you want in your life! It's the glue that holds us together.
Pilates can benefit anyone from the top athlete looking to perfect their sport, to the self-confessed couch potato who's barely exercised a day in their life. While Pilates is not a substitute for physical therapy, students commonly report their chronic aches and pains diminishing or even vanishing after regular practice.
Pike & Plank welcomes prehab and posthab as well as prenatal and postnatal students. In fact, Pilates is so adaptable, just about anyone can learn it. We take pride in finding ways to help Pilates work for you.